Ella Rae
Cozy Alpaca Chunky - Roma Hat and Scarf & Chullo

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Cozy Alpaca Chunky - Roma Hat and Scarf & Chullo: An excellent leaflet from Ella Rae featuring a design in Ella Rae Cozy Alpaca Chunky and KFI Collection Furreal Pom.
Cozy Alpaca Chunky
Furreal Pom

A design preview for 'Cozy Alpaca Chunky - Roma Hat and Scarf & Chullo'

image preview of design 'Roma Chullo, Beanie & Scarf'
Roma Chullo, Beanie & Scarf
  • 1 hank Ella Rae Cozy Alpaca Chunky #503
  • 1 hank Ella Rae Cozy Alpaca Chunky #502
  • 3 pompoms KFI Collection Furreal Pom #15
  • 2 hanks Ella Rae Cozy Alpaca Chunky #546
  • 1 pompom KFI Collection Furreal Pom #11